Water and Mold Damage Cleanup


When buying a new home, no one wants to think about the less glamorous times that likely lie ahead, but the reality is that many homeowners will have to battle water damage or mold remediation. Everyday, 14,000 people experience water damage, and 98% of basements will sustain water damage at some point. Given the fact that mold thrives in warm, humid areas, it seems overwhelmingly likely that homeowners will be forced to deal with both of these issues. When that time comes, quick cleanup is crucial to avoid further mold buildup. Here are the tools that the pros use to make sure that cleanup is performed correctly.


Air Vacuums


Air Vacuums are like a familiar device for most homeowners; they utilize air pressure to create suction. Professionals will utilize these to make sure that the damaged area doesn’t continue to hold water. Naturally, the first step in eliminating water damage is to eliminate the water itself.




It is less likely that the average homeowner has experience with this type of cleanup device than some of the others. High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) Vacuums are capable of trapping much smaller items than traditional vacuums, making them an ideal tool for mold remediation. Their special, more advanced capabilities mean that HEPA vacs are effective at removing mold spores, thus preventing future growth.




Another relatively common household item, dehumidifiers are known to help with issues like air purity, but they are also a useful tool in eliminating moisture from an area. Mold thrives in damp spaces, and water damage cannot be remedied in an area that is still wet. Dehumidifiers cut down the cleanup time by drying out the area.


Air Movers


This tool is another that cuts down drying time. Air Movers accomplish this by creating high velocity airflow, thus improving air circulation in a water damaged area. This allows professionals to get their job done quicker, and quicker cleanup means less damage, and less risk of future mold buildup.


These are the tools that the pros use, but it is important to bear in mind that the pros are the ones who know how to use them. Water damage and mold can pose serious threats to a home and should not be ignored. As soon as damage occurs or mold is noticed, a professional should be contacted so they can bring their arsenal of tools to eliminate the problem.