Fixing HVAC Related Leaks Before They Become A Bigger Problem


Almost every home and business on our green Earth has an HVAC system. Heating, ventilation and cooling (also known as air conditioning) are a way of life. It’s important that we maintain our HVAC systems to prevent moisture damage and possible leaks.


This is where we ask consumers to be diligent in the maintenance of their HVAC systems, which is not always easy to do. A leak, whether it be refrigerant, water or oil, can be hard to spot.


Signs Of A Leaky HVAC System


One tiny leak can lead to poor cooling quality and a higher electricity bill, along with more serious issues such as settled moisture and mold. Knowing what you’re looking for is imperative to finding out if your HVAC system has a leak.


For example, if you have a broken condensate line, then you’ll want to look for water pooling around the HVAC system. This is one of the easiest leaks to spot. Much easier than a refrigerant leak, which is gas, but you’ll notice condensation.


Leaving moisture in the HVAC closet and plenum box, especially in a climate that is prone to humidity, can lead to mold damage if it’s not dried out quickly. Florida is notorious for high temperatures, so running your AC may lead to water and mold from condensation alone.


These factors make HVAC maintenance a necessity. Consumers must know the system and recognize the signs of a possible HVAC leak.


Eradicate HVAC Moisture Immediately


It’s important to rid your HVAC closet of moisture as quickly as possible. Getting rid of moisture cuts off the elements that mold requires to form, and that alone is a reason to act quickly.


Mold causes more problems than the HVAC leak itself, including costly removal, air quality interference and rot. It does not take long for the situation to get out of hand if the moisture build up is left unaddressed.


Dry-Tech Restoration Inc. is able to respond quickly to HVAC water, condensation and moisture issues within the closet and the plenum box. Our emergency line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which means we are on hand to take care of the problem the second you notice it.


Dry-Tech will make the proper assessments and employ advanced equipment to dry out any HVAC moisture issues that you may be experiencing before it leads to more serious damages. The insulation around the HVAC system can develop mold from moisture at an exponential rate.


Early intervention and progressive drying techniques will allow Dry-Tech to rid you of moisture before it evolves.