Hurricanes are a fact of life in Florida and that means preparing for the worst. Preparing for hurricanes and making sure you have all the equipment and supplies needed to weather the storm is something that everyone talks about at the start of each hurricane season but what about after hurricane? High winds, storm surges, and flooding rains all contribute to home damage. Between broken pipes, backed up plumbing, roof damage, broken windows, and other damages you can be sure that planning ahead for the aftermath of a hurricane is just as important as preparing for one to make landfall.

Not all damages caused by hurricanes are covered by hurricane insurance. There are a lot of factors that can lead to a hurricane claim turning out to be a flood claim. It is important to read through your insurance coverage and note what is and is not covered for hurricanes as well as everything else. Most homeowners assume they are covered just because they have insurance when there are numerous exclusions in their policies. Knowing your deductible is also important, as there are often different deductibles for each coverage option. This will help you prepare by being able to set aside enough to cover the deductible, which will help ease the burden and give you some peace of mind going into post hurricane scenarios.

Try to do your research prior to a hurricane rather than after the fact. By looking into companies like Dry Tech as well as plumbers, drywall companies, flooring companies, roofers, etc, you can have all the numbers in one place and you won’t find yourself stressing out trying to find all the information, especially if the power goes out. Invest in a waterproof safe to keep your documents dry and secure in the aftermath of a hurricane as well. This will allow you to quickly access the information needed to start the repair process as soon as possible.

Be prepared to wait. After a hurricane hits, insurance companies become inundated with calls. Wait times can often exceed 8 hours for severe hurricanes. Mentally preparing yourself to remain patient as you try to get ahold of the insurance company is important. Luckily, you can call Dry Tech out to start getting that water cleaned up in the meantime. Preserving and protecting your home after a hurricane is essential to ensuring a smooth process. It is much easier to deal with the unexpected damages that can occur from hurricanes when you do a little legwork before hand.