Can My Home Really Be Damaged by An AC Leak?


If you suspect that you have a minor AC leak, you may be putting off A/C servicing. After all, it’s not like an AC leak will release enough water to cause flooding, right?

Well, that may be the case. But even a small, slow leak caused by issues with your condensate line or drain line can easily cause mold growth, water damage to wood and drywall, and more. Read on, and see how your home can be damaged by an AC leak.


Clogged or Damaged Condensate Lines Are The Most Common Cause Of Leaks


There are a few different reasons that your AC can leak, but a clogged or damaged condensate line is the most common. The condensate line, also called the “drain line” is responsible for draining water away from your AC unit and out of your home.


When your AC is running, the evaporator coil cools warm air that’s blown over it, resulting in small droplets of water called “condensation” that run into a drain pan, then out of the drain line.

But the drain line can become clogged due to dust, dirt, mold, or sludge, or it may even break or become damaged, in some cases. This can result in quite a bit of water leaking into your home.


What Happens When Water from My AC Leaks into My Home?


Water leaks are your home’s worst enemy, no matter the cause. Whether you have a leak due to a damaged roof, a broken pipe, or even a leaky AC unit, water can cause a lot of damage, particularly if the issue goes unnoticed for a long period of time.


Mold growth is a common issue seen with AC leaks. As the water builds up, mold gets the moisture it needs to grow on your walls and in your home. This is especially common with leaks that begin within an AC closet or interior wall.


In addition, water can damage and weaken drywall, and damage flooring joints, wood beams, and other structural components of your home.


AC leaks may not cause a sudden flood, but they can still cause extensive water damage, particularly because it’s harder to notice a gradual AC leak than it is to notice a larger leak.


Don’t Wait – Get Help for A Leaking AC Unit Right Away!


If your AC unit is leaking, this isn’t normal – and more damage could be caused to your AC unit and your home if you don’t get the proper fix. So call an experienced HVAC technician right away and have your AC inspected to identify the issue, resolve the problem, and ensure your property is protected. Also contact Dry Tech for a free assessment, to determine if your home sustained water or mold damages, resultant from your AC leak.